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My World

Shaelynn Rehder

I don't yet know where life will take me. Follow me on my journey through life and discovering my world.

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  • Writer's pictureShaelynn Rehder

Conflicted Dreamers

Updated: Dec 18, 2020

Do you ever have those times where you're extremely conflicted? Where you feel like you are being pulled in two different directions, both of which look amazing, but that will take you down two entirely different paths? Me too. It's this constant internal battle of which you love more and which you're willing to give up. Or, maybe you don't give up on one, but then you struggle to balance both while also juggling all the other curve balls life throws at you. And you wonder if it's worth it to continue the path you're on or whether it'd be better to give up and start fresh. All you want is unconditional love and support, but when you fear the path you choose could end badly and lose you everything you've ever worked for, then what do you do? If we only could live forever and have time in life to do everything we dream of. Because in a world full of dreamers, time is a constraint that we must learn to deal with. Dreamers give up on their dreams, if only to please the people close to them. They let go of the desires they desperately crave to fulfill, if only to have another day of little fear. Of routine. Then, when they are older, wiser, on the brink of passing, they have the deepest regret of their lives. Regret that they didn't go for their dreams. Regret that they let themselves be held back. Regret that they never did live their lives to the fullest. So the ever-conflicted dreamer looks back on life, not with joy at what they did accomplish, but with pain and regret at what they didn't. At the chances they didn't take. At the opportunities they never gave a second thought to. At all the wasted time they could have spent accomplishing everything they'd ever wanted with their beautiful talents. All because they were too afraid, too conflicted, to take the leap and let their dreams become reality.

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